Tu BShvat -
Time for Tours!
Sunday February 23 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
​Authors and Educators in Zikhron Moshe and Kerem Avraham
central neighborhoods that you have never heard of, Zionist pioneers, Christian missionaries, historic buildings and more as we walk the streets between Mahane Yehuda and Meah Shearim.
Cost: 100 shekels per person
Photo credit: Sir kiss, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Plus: Tours with: Pardes, Matan and Womens's Bet Midrash of Efrat!
Wednesday February 12: Gateway to the City: A look at Romema, from its earliest days until today
Sign up at: https://www.pardes.org.il/pardes-community-education/
Thursday February 13: Rooted in the Land: A Tu BShvat tour in and around Gan Sacher
Sign up at: https://www.matan.org.il/en/events/tu-bshvat-tour-with-matan/
Wednesday February 26 Armon HaNatziv: Kings, Battles and Views
Sign up at: https://did.li/JmTourFeb26

Photo credit: Ran Berkovich, UnSplash
Tour Courses
I am fortunate to be partnering with the following institutions this year to offer tour courses. Please see the schedule for the tours at: